Embassy of Italy Accra
Address: Jawaharlal Nehru Road P.O.Box CT 885 – Cantonments ACCRA
Opening hours to the public: from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 12
Tel. 00233 (0) 59 6920549 – E-mail: ambasciata.accra@esteri.it
Emergency Mobile Phone
00233 (0) 244 317 079 and ‘reserved for emergency signaling involving Italian citizens in Ghana and should not be used for issues with the visa, legalizations.
Closing days to the public for year 2023
01 January New Year’s Eve
06 March National Day of Ghana
7 April Good Friday
10 April Easter Monday
25 April Liberation Anniversary
01 May Labor Day
02 June Feast of the Italian Republic
04 August Founders’ Day
21 September Anniversary Birth K. Nkrumah
25 December Christmas
26 December Boxing Day